Sponsor introduces himself: Nationale Nederlanden

Whether you are running your very first kilometers or have already run quite a few, you have our support. As a supporter of all runners, we are there for the beginning and experienced runner. And everyone in between. From a healthier life, freedom in your head, to achieving a sporty achievement. Nationale-Nederlanden (NN) supports you in achieving all those personal running goals. By challenging you, encouraging you, guiding you and cheering you on after reaching the finish.

Supporter of all runners.

Nationale-Nederlanden, part of NN Group, started sponsoring activities in running in 2014. We are now the proud sponsor of various running events in the countries where we operate, including the NN Marathon Rotterdam, NN Dam tot Damloop, NN CPC Loop Den Haag and NN Zevenheuvelenloop. The sponsorship activities are aimed at helping people achieve their sporting goals. This is done, among other things, by the NN pacing team, the running supporter and, together with our partners the Disabled Sports Fund and the Youth Education Fund, by offering everyone the opportunity to participate in running events.

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