RACE REGULATIONS NN Marathon Rotterdam 2025
A. Application
Competition rules of the Athletics Union shall apply, except to the extent that they are deviated from in these general conditions. The competition rules of World Athletics apply, except to the extent that the competition rules of the Athletics Union or these general conditions deviate therefrom. Both competition regulations are available for inspection at the Organiser and will be sent to the Participant by the Organiser at his request.
A.1 Schoes
We call special attention to the new shoe regulations from World Athletics. For the latest approved shoe list from the World Athletics, please see: https://www.worldathletics.org/news/press-releases/list-of-approved-competition-shoes-published.
(This link is indicative, latest list from World Athletics on day of race is applicable) Shoes may be checked before and after the race.
Categorization (gender/age).
The actual allocation of a start wave and its classification will be made by the Organiser. . .
. The Participant must check before the Event whether the classification assigned to him/her by the Organiser is correct. The Organiser is not liable for the consequences of an incorrect allocation of the Participant. The Participant is required to be present in the relevant start waves at least fifteen minutes before the start.
C. Honorary Prizes
Each Participant that reaches the finish line in time will receive a commemorative medal. A Participant is not entitled to a prize if he has acted in violation of the competition regulations. Participants who cross the finish line after the deadline will no longer be included in the race result. An awarded prize must be returned to the Organizer if, after it has been awarded, it appears that the Participant has acted in violation of the race rules.
D. Determination of Results
The Organiser shall determine the results and is entitled to change the results after inaccuracies have been found. An awarded prize must be returned to the Organiser by the Participants if, based on the results, there is no longer any right to that prize after it has been changed. The gun time is the official time.
E. Manner of movement
Participants must move forward on foot over the course set by the Organisation, in a manner customary for road athletics and according to the rules of the Athletics Union and World Athletics. A n exception to this is the Your Marathon Challenge. Participants are allowed to bring their wheelchair or push-bike as long as it is used as a means of moving forwards.
F. Start wave
the actual allocation of a start wave to a Participant will be made by the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right not to recognize times.
G. Bib numbers
The Participant will receive at least one bib number from the Organiser on which the specific number assigned to him/her is indicated. The Participant must attach the bib number on his/her chest (if made available also his/her back) using the safety pins distributed by the Organiser.
The bib numbers must be attached and worn in such a way that the specific personal number and other information depicted on them are visible. They must not be cut or folded. The Participant is prohibited from wearing bib numbers other than those provided to him/her by the Organiser. The Participant is urged to indicate any medical information on the inside of the bib number (for one bib number on the back of the bib number on the chest, if provided two bib numbers by the Organisation, the medical information needs to be indicated on the inside of the bib number on the back.
The Organiser will take the bib numbers of Participants who have been disqualified or otherwise dropped out.
H. Time records
The Organiser shall determine the finish time and the intermediate times (if any) of the Participants. This determination is binding. The time registration takes place using the ChronoRace BibTag. This is a time registration chip attached to the back of the race number. The Organiser can only register the times of the Participant if it is worn correctly.
I. Deadline/last runner
In connection with the clearance of the traffic course, the Participant must have crossed the finish line within a certain time limit after he/she has crossed the starting line, otherwise, he/she will not be included in the results. Participants who cross the finish line after the deadline will not be included in the race results. The judgment of the Referee ‘last runner’ appointed by the Organiser shall be binding in determining whether a Participant has passed a particular point in time. For race athletes, the limits for inclusion in the race results apply following the race regulations.
NN Marathon Rotterdam | 5 hours and 30 minutes |
1/4 Marathon Rotterdam | 1 hour and 20 minutes |
City Run | 45 minutes |
J. Disqualification
The Organiser is entitled to disqualify and/or remove a Participant from the competition if he/she does not comply with these competition rules or behaves unsportsmanlike or improperly. If deemed necessary for the progression of the Event or due to medical considerations, the Organisation is also entitled to disqualify and/or remove a Participant.
K. Instructions for competition management
Participants must follow the instructions of the Organiser or of persons who, based on their clothing or other appearances, clearly belong to the organization of the Organiser.
L. Other provisions
- • The Participant is prohibited from accepting care (drinks, food, sponge, etc.) from anyone at any place other than a care station set up by the Organiser;
- The Road Traffic Act and the legislation based on it, such as the Traffic Rules and Traffic Signals Regulations, will also remain in force during the Event on the entire course;
- Being accompanied, indifferently for what purpose and by whom, is not allowed on the course unless written permission is obtained from the Organiser.
- Bringing objects such as (domestic) animals, strollers, banners, etc. is not allowed;
- It is not permitted during the Event to express explicit political, philosophical, or religious views or to make statements that could be perceived as offensive, hurtful, or insulting in any way;
- It is not possible to drop off garments at the start. Participants are therefore advised to come to the start area in running clothes. The Organiser accepts no liability for lost garments or other property of Participants. This also applies to items left behind in the changing facilities provided by the Organiser. The Participant is reminded that this accommodation is not guarded by the Organiser;
- The Participant is expected not to damage the property of others and not to leave any trash behind;
- Cancellations and/or changes to entries must be made in writing to the organization;
- If a participant fails to meet the financial obligation for participation on time, the Organisation reserves the right to remove that Participant from the participant file.Chro